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A single flame - the start of a tragic fire

The Fire: A Tragic Poem

May 30, 20243 min read

“Darling, snuff out the candles tonight before you retire.”

She smiled at her beloved

Her future bright

She’d picked out the dress

An ivory white

Ruffles and frills

Victorian grace

Piled up her blonde hair

Away from her face

The sofa she’d chosen 

To adorn their new home

Masterfully carved

A horsehair-filled throne

The drawing-room green,

With imported wallpapers

The finest of colors:

Scheele’s Green vapors

Their wedding set

Just before Christmas

She slept on their sofa

As she battled a sickness

And to lift her spirits

Her groom saw fit

To ensure the candles

On their tree were lit - 

She begged him remember

To snuff out the lights

Before he retired

To bed that cold night

But the mines were exhausting,

And how could he tell

That one lapse of judgment

Would plunge him to hell?

Alas, he awoke

To a stinging pitch-black

No voice to call out

As the fire drove him back

He barely escaped 

Through the window with his life

The flames would take

All, indeed, his own wife

But every night her spectre

Visited in his sleep

Dressed in her bridal ballgown

And he would hear her weep:

“Darling, snuff out the candles

Tonight before you retire - 

I’m eager to wed you, dear - 

We do not need a fire.”

Behind the Poem

I wrote this piece based on a prompt posted by Kimberly Woodruff on LinkedIn. She regularly posts interesting photos and asks her connections what the image means to them. The image originally came from @adjustthefocus on Instagram - an account run by photographer Marta Pilotto.

This prompt sparked my imagination for several reasons:

  • The image felt Victorian to me. Right or wrong (probably wrong, to be honest), the dress and couch felt like they belonged in the Victorian era. Probably because it's one of the eras I'm fascinated by.

  • I love Absolute History. They have a series about all the ways Victorians were killing themselves (unawares, in some cases). I found it interesting, partly because it intersected with death and dying, a topic I've been drawn to since my grandma passed away. There are a couple of allusions to the ways Victorians could die here.

  • The look on the woman's face. The original Instagram post is linked above, but I don't have permission to use it yet, so I had to pair this post with the image of a single flame. But if you look at the prompt, she looks either profoundly sad or angry. I think both emotions fit the occasion in this case.

  • Sadness is the leader of my emotions. It's not a bad thing, but when I watched Inside Out, I realized Sadness has been calling the shots a lot in my life. It used to be a really bad thing, but nowadays it just means I do stuff like write this poem.

  • Christmas weddings are the cutest. I was married in the summer. The thing that mattered most - for me, the groom - was one of the best ideas of my life. But choosing a summer wedding was not a great idea. It was hot and I nearly passed out at California Adventure on our honeymoon. But Christmas weddings are adorable, and I wanted to make this poem tragic.

  • I already want to revisit this poem. I like that artists sometimes create artwork years apart to show what they've learned. I want to do that with this poem, but with different styles. For example, a haiku. A poem that doesn't rhyme. (And so on.) What do you think - should I do it?

(Disclaimer: I don't believe in ghosts - but I do believe that we often dream about a person we lost after they've gone from our lives. And in that way, it can feel like "being visited by a spectre" even if they've already gone to eternity.)

Do you see anything else about this poem that you want to talk about? How did I do at conveying the image? Let me know in the comments!

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How can content marketing help my business?

Content marketing enables you to do more with less. Paid ads can be expensive to run - especially if you're chasing high-value keywords.

With organic content marketing, you can pay less money for a greater reward. There is a significant time investment required, however - which is why you should consider hiring me to help with your content marketing efforts!

How do you come up with a content strategy for me?

Before I come up with a strategy, I become your superfan. I use my powers of nosiness (or as I say, "journalistic tendencies") to learn how you position yourself, who your target audience is, and where there are gaps in your content.

If you grant access to analytics tools, I'll use those, too, bringing them to bear on your content goals. Some tools I'm familiar with include Mangools and SEMrush - but I'm happy to dig into other tools like Google Analytics and Go HighLevel.

What makes your content marketing services different?

I take a personal approach to helping businesses. My goal is to serve you and help you attract your target audience, so I won't bog your customers down with jargon or marketing terms. If you've got a question, I'll offer my honest thoughts (even if I think someone else would be better equipped to help you).

I'm here for you - whether or not you choose to work with me. I'll do my best to assist you in any way I can, and if that means passing along voice docs because you've found a better fit elsewhere, I'll do that.

That said, I'm going to do my best to learn as much as possible and keep you as a client - so if there's anything I can do to improve your experience, please let me know. I'm happy to help!

How much do you charge?

My rates start at $75 an hour*, but I offer monthly retainers at $700 a month for a maximum of 10 hours.

Benefits of a retainer:

  • Discounted price

  • I save a spot for you every month

  • Flat rate month to month, notice of rate increase given ahead of time

    The first monthly payment is due up front, and prices are subject to change depending on how busy the season is.

What are your brand values?

My brand is centered around these things:

- Creativity. I am a creative person and bring that into everything I do - whether it's content writing or my recreational time.
- Family. I love my family and chose this career path because I want more time with them. My goal is also to give you more time with yours.
- Quality. I have high standards when it comes to the written word, because I know great writing can make a major difference.
- Freedom. We all deserve more freedom to do what we love - it's why neither of us are out here chained to a desk working a 9-5.
- Faith. My faith guides me, and I work best with clients who are aligned to that same faith in Jesus.

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